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Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: "Broken Road" reviewed at MicroCinemaSceneDate: Mon 23-Jan-2006, 19:14:34

A particularly positive review of Broken Road was made over at Microcinemascene. This is the first real review of Deadscapes I've seen so far (real as in from a source that does not know me personally and functions separately in covering or reviewing films). My modesty doesn't really allow me to gloat. But my appreciation forces me to share my gratitude with everyone, especially Jamie Lisk (the reviewer). Aside from being an extremely proficient reviewer, his musings have a structure and thoroughness that shoots well past the normal 'rant or rave' reactions posted on the Net. I'm very grateful that he was able to pick up on every nuance of what I intended with making Broken Road, and then some.

It's not so much the positivity of the review, but moreso the review itself, that gratifies me. My success with this project is a personal one; that of succeeding in conveying certain themes and ideas near and dear to me as a fan (as well as a person). If no one else ever gets it, I'm glad to know someone out there did and was able to share it with others.

Not that I don't appreciate criticism (because even I participate in that). But the uplifting sense of fulfillment that kind and well-thought words gives is a little indescribable. It makes everything that could be bad about it, worth it.

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