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Fiction Section (v3.07h)
The largest and most diverse resource of living-dead related fiction available anywhere on the internet.
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81Living Dead
Patient Zero(Short story by T. Magnusson, 25-May-11)
Patient Zero is a quick, dark, 'origins' themed tale set in Reykjavik.
82Living Dead
Zombocalype Now(Long story by T.J. McFadden, 25-May-11)
An homage/parody of 'Apocalypse Now' with zombies. In the waning days of a zombie apocalypse, a burnt-out army captain is sent into the dead lands to kill a renegade Colonel who has gone on a killing spree with his own private army. On the way, Captain Sykes sees the human wreckage left by the war and is confronted with the ultimate evil of the zombie plague.
83Living Dead
Mercy(Short story by Brer, 15-May-11)
An old man is pursued by the relentless dead.
84Living Dead
On The Road Again (Short story by Johnson Kurt, 8-May-11)
A small group of survivors struggle with a nomadic existence in a world of the undead.
85Living Dead
And Nothing Else Matters(Short story by Jack Bantry, 27-Apr-11)
John was in the city of Amsterdam. He'd just split up with his girlfriend and need a break. But rest was the last thing he was going to get...
86Living Dead
Their Insides Torn V: Relics(Medium length story by Bryan Way, 27-Mar-11)
The final entry of a series following one man's quest to physically and mentally survive in the world of the undead.
5th in a series of 5 - Part 1,2,3,4
87Living Dead
Betty Page Undead(Short story by Jesus Riddle Morales, 27-Mar-11)
A short poetic flash fiction story.
88Living Dead
Probably The Last Zombie Story I Shall Write(Short story by Biswapriya Purkayastha, 13-Feb-11)
The search for food leads her into terrible danger.
89Living Dead
Novocain(Medium length story by Rich Restucci, 13-Feb-11)
Sometimes the living dead aren’t the only pain.
4th in a series of 7 - Part 1,2,3,5,6,7
90Living Dead
A Return To Warehouse 6(Medium length story by Brer, 10-Jan-11)
Jake and Tom find new troubles at the Omega warehouse.
91Living Dead
Cover My Ass(Short story by Tim Sprague, 5-Dec-10)
Down south in New Orleans, one man learns that the simplest needs can be the hardest to fulfill.
92Living Dead
Hangman(Short story by Daniel Lee, 5-Dec-10)
A short zombie piece about a man sitting alone in a bar for the last time. With nothing but a jukebox and a warm beer, he struggles to remember a happier time before his eventual end.
93Living Dead
A Day in the Life of...(Short story by Ross Wilson, 31-Oct-10)
Two decades after the start of the plague, mankind has learnt to live in a world populated with the living dead, and the tables are turning.
94Living Dead
Island of the Dead(Short story by Johnson Kurt, 31-Oct-10)
Aisland in the florida keys experiences a terrible infection.
95Living Dead
Tempus Ash(Short story by Rob Morganbesser, 31-Oct-10)
A story based on the original end of Army of Darkness. As usual, Ash is in a LOT of trouble...
96Living Dead
No Rest for the Wicked(Short story by Daniel Lee, 11-Oct-10)
Charlie Stone and Pete Nebraska are trying to find a breach in the wall near Berry Hill's border with the zombie infested wilderness when something new and angry attacks.
97Living Dead
Tuesday's Gone...With the Wind(Members Only - Long story by Thomas North, 11-Oct-10)
This story picks up a week after A Case of the Mondays, with the survivors searching for a place to rest and restock in upstate New York as they continue their trek south. Going into town for supplies, they find it eerily silent, and seemingly empty, devoid of even the living dead. As they scavenge for food and medicine, however, it becomes clear that everything is not as it seems, and something new and strange is happening.
3rd in a series of 3 - Part 1,2
98Living Dead
The Black Rain Chronicles: Part 1(Medium length story by Bam Stroker, 3-Sep-10)
When violence sweeps up through the south and falls directly on the head of a few unlikely survivors, they must do all they can to continue to survive.
1st in a series of 2 - Part 2
99Living Dead
The Dead of Winter 8: Deadman's Hand(Long story by Kurt Warner, 3-Sep-10)
Can a serial killer be content with killing zombies instead of making them? Would you bet the lives of your friends on it?
8th in a series of 8 - Part 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
100Living Dead
The Battle Of Kaesong(Medium length story by Biswapriya Purkayastha, 3-Sep-10)
A detailed analysis of the only battle in history in which one side used zombies as a weapon.
101Living Dead
Mitch(Short story by William Estes, 3-Sep-10)
A young man tries to get close to a woman after his companions attempted to kidnap.
102Living Dead
Dead Camp(Short story by Biswapriya Purkayastha, 3-Sep-10)
A zombie experiences life in boot camp.
103Living Dead
You've Watched Too many Zombie Movies(Short story by Biswapriya Purkayastha, 21-Jul-10)
A man confronts a different kind of zombie across an office desk.
104Living Dead
The Daily Commute(Short story by Graeme Reynolds, 21-Jul-10)
A man's daily commute.
105Living Dead
Debbie(Medium length story by Rich Restucci, 11-Jun-10)
A flight attendant holes up in a school with some kids and one of San Francisco’s finest. Runs alongside of Unlikely Hero and Run!
3rd in a series of 7 - Part 1,2,4,5,6,7
106Living Dead
(Not) Just Another Zombie Story(Short story by Biswapriya Purkayastha, 11-Jun-10)
A nurse tries to make her way, alone and unarmed, out of a city overrun by zombies.
107Living Dead
DMZ(Short story by Michael Stewart, 11-Jun-10)
The US Army at the border of North and South Korea get a nasty surprise from their enemies.
108Living Dead
Dement(Short story by Lyle Perez-Tinics, 14-May-10)
After swindling an elderly woman, a pawnshop working receives a visit from unwanted visitors. The poor demented souls of the departed rise from their graves to feast upon the living. Mark Bliss must fight his way to safety but everywhere he turns the dead follow.
109Living Dead
Run!(Members Only - Long story by Rich Restucci, 14-May-10)
Runs alongside Unlikely Hero with new characters, and some you might remember. A man and his daughter head for safety when the undead plague hits San Francisco.
2nd in a series of 7 - Part 1,3,4,5,6,7
110Living Dead
Unlikely Hero(Short story by Rich Restucci, 16-Apr-10)
Assistance is always welcome when the living dead come stumbling.
1st in a series of 7 - Part 2,3,4,5,6,7
111Living Dead
Zero Tolerance(Medium length story by John DeWitt, 16-Apr-10)
Two survivors run afoul of the last vestiges of law enforcement in a collapsing Texas community.
112Living Dead
A Place To Hide(Short story by Daniel Lee, 16-Apr-10)
A man and another survivor find themselves trapped in an abandonned garage. The next morning, the man finds himself with even less than he had started out with the night before.
113Living Dead
A World Without Snow(Short story by Jesus Riddle Morales, 16-Apr-10)
When a military woman hunts for her dear friend in the Dead Zones, she meets an unexpected end.
114Living Dead
The Dead End(Short story by John DeWitt, 5-Mar-10)
Four days after the dead begin to walk, two survivors attempt to scavenge in an overrun part of rural Missouri.
115Living Dead
Zombielands(Short story by A. G. Smith, 5-Mar-10)
Fan fiction from the movie of the same name and stars the same characters.
116Living Dead
Promises, Promises.(Medium length story by Joe Lamoureux, 5-Mar-10)
Talk is cheap in a world gone dead...and life is even cheaper. Will one man's promise end up being his undoing or his salvation...
117Living Dead
Polarity(Long story by Chris Myers, 5-Mar-10)
When a Romero-style zombie outbreak causes the dead to rise from their graves and attack the living, a long-time loser super-villain finds himself and his best friends doing whatever it takes to save themselves, and eventually, the rest of humanity.
118Living Dead
Contagion(Short story by Biswapriya Purkayastha, 5-Mar-10)
A scientist, a lab, a captive 'zombie', and ghosts from the past.
119Living Dead
T'was the Night of the Living Dead(Short poem by Terry McCutchen, 24-Dec-09)
In this parody of the classic poem 'A Visit From St. Nicholas,' the living dead walk on Christmas Eve and only one man -- a department store/mall Santa Claus -- elects to confront the zombies by arming himself with an arsenal culled from the myriad of merchants about the mall in which he works.
120Living Dead
Undead Vingette: Hunters and Prey(Short story by Garren Allard, 24-Dec-09)
In the coming world of the undead, there is only the hunted and the hunter. As the Orpheus Virus spreads, those that prey on the weak can quickly become prey themselves. In the dead of night as a storm brews two thugs find themselves faced with the coming apocalypse.
Pieces of fiction 1123 (included by filter 951)

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