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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Some of the effects in Day of the Dead were betterDate: Sun 20-Nov-2005, 23:50:31

But a lot of that had to do with the crew and environment

Perhaps Day of the Dead seems more authentic because it predates CGI - back in those days it was Savini's crew using old school F/X techniques instead of cheating using a green screen and CGI graphics.

Land of the Dead filming scenes on green screen, interior sets, and outside in 40 degree Canadian weather is much different from the temperature and access controlled mine in Day of the Dead.

There were some good effects in Land of the Dead. The spider web and zombies when Dead Reckoning opens up on Uniontown, the zombies crossing the river, the severed zombie head puppet that Big Daddy grabs in Uniontown...

Perhaps specific side by side screen captures comparing the zombies after the large elevator scene in Day of the Dead with the invasion zombies of Land of the Dead might contribute to this discussion.

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