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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Here's what it would take...Date: Wed 22-Feb-2006, 01:08:59

* It would take buying-off everything ever used in the production thus far, as well as all raw footage.

* It would take tracking down and convincing all original cast members to be involved through completion - which would also mean paying full-rate to everyone (plus Per Diem, incidentals, petty cash, drug money, etc.) AND each of the principal actors/actresses would probably require some kind of small percentage on the gross.

* It would take a full union set design and production crew to re-create sets and locations that no longer exist.

* It would take a lot more money to finish the production, complete post-production, and handle distribution.

* It would take a wad of dough to fly Cereval (and myself as his personal advisor) to each and every major film festival in the world for a whole year, where we would need LOTS of cash to shop the movie around and promote.

* It would take some special connections to have a special screening for the Chicago Horror Film Group of the completed movie on the IMAX screen at Navy Pier, followed by an all-night celebration on the Spirit of Chicago cruise ship, which would be fully decked out in horror mode, complete with actors playing the roles of zombies and special appearances by Ken Foree, David Emge, Scott Reiniger, and Gaylen Ross.

* It would take a check for 1 million dollars made out to me (my real name) for no particular reason other than I'm fucking Chrome. could also go like THIS:

--> Pay me the 1 million dollars, kill everyone originally involved in CTD, and let me finish the project with a cheap Canon ZR100 consumer mini-DV camera - entirely handheld with no additional lighting or efforts made at cinematography. Finally, I would slap the whole piece of shit together and sell it over the Internet.

On second thought, let's not dig up this smells better when it is buried.

Chromius Maximus Sarcasticus

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