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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Deadscapes IIDate: Tue 7-Feb-2006, 17:43:14

Glad to hear you're still trucking with the Deadscapes series. I know exactly what it's like to procrastinate when you really should be getting on with script writing/shooting/editing. I'm a big culprit of that, lol.

I finally just completed making a 'pseudo-documentary' I've been working on, in one way or another, for the past 18 months (12 of those was just waiting for the moral panics to kick start and die off), and for a while it was a struggle to keep going - it was almost like "I'm STILL making this damn thing?!"

Then at the end of October I started the script and it took me until the beginning of January to finish it off (lots of sporadic writing). I might do naff all for a couple of weeks and feel really bad about it, then guilt myself into the taking the toughest step (for me) double-clicking the necessary icon - once I'm in then I'm in, might as well do something now that I'm here, you know. So I could then suddenly blast out half a draft, or three quarters of a draft and then top it off the following day ... then nothing ... for a couple of weeks.

When it came to editing, it was great that finally, it's nearing completion...but there was still ALL THIS DAMN EDITING TO DO!!! Yet again it was the old sporadic movement, do nothing and then blast out a segment in an afternoon, then nothing, then blast out a segment. Then I realised I hadn't done my ritual - before editing any major project I always watch "CKY 3", everytime. There's something about the music and the editing and the visuals - it inspires me (and makes me laugh) ... sure enough straight after that I blasted out a segment, couple of days later and another segment, then another and then for the past three afternoons I've just sat on my arse for hours hammering out the rough cut ... then the final cut ... then the DVD with extras even! lol.

I won't be able to sell it, or put it anywhere official, but it'll be another addition to the extras section of my Showreel DVD, it proves my devotion to video games and the anti-censorship movement and it's been a great task for improving my scriptwriting.

So I'll be sticking it up online soon for folk to check out.

What was I on about? Oh yeh - procrastination - damn it sucks, but once you finish the project in spite of set backs/disaster/procrastination then it feels really good - it makes you free to go onto a new, exciting project and recapture that joy you get out of doing what you do - procrastination ends up making you forget that feeling...

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