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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Thank you very muchly...Date: Wed 22-Feb-2006, 13:46:32

...glad you liked the film, as I waited that year for the news to rock up I just couldn't believe how retarded it all was, when the Sims 2 pedo-paradise thing kicked off I couldn't believe my ears and eyes, I just laughed outloud.

I tried putting into MPEG, but the renders came out with no sound...I'll have to have a think of how I could sort this bare with me, there's a solution somewhere.

Again, glad you liked the film, it was like "that thing" that niggles in the back of your mind as you keep procrastinating, fortunately the major period of activity (recording narration and editing) was around 6 to 8 weeks. Scripting was about 10 to 12 weeks and prior to that there was a month or so when I was dredging through the stack of articles and research I had gathered. So it's been a long old process when you've got various other things to do and can't focus 100% on it, but I'm chuffed to have it done and chuffed to see it's thus far going down well.

Might send a link over to the Melon Farmers site and see what those guys make of it.

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