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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: F/X help--how to rip a throat?Date: Mon 16-Jan-2006, 20:53:14

You might also take a fishing expedition through this forum (especially if you search for my posts). FX is one of the main things I do and I've posted a few pretty detailed bits on gelatine prosthetics (really easy to make) and they're great for bite wounds. I did by first gelatine zombie bite, tearing off the back of someones hand, when I was 15 (25 years ago now - jeez) and it still looks good, so it ain't that hard. One of these days I'm going to have to put together a few proper tutorials on doing zombie-type FX and put them up, so's I can just point to 'em. But for the moment, fish through the last few pages here and if you have some specific technical questions you can feel free to ask.

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