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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: MOVIE IN OHIODate: Tue 17-Jan-2006, 15:44:55

If u wanna show of ur mad zombie skills, partake in a indie zombie flick, wanna have fun, please by god email me up at or IM me at Zombie Crippler. Me and my friend Marc Moyer are Romero Fanatics and want to make the 2nd greatest Zombie Quadrilogy ever. We are also looking for donations for the zombie effects that will be essential for any good zombie movie. So if ur in Ohio, or would be kind enough to donate just a lil bit of money to the zombie cause, email me or call me up at 419-239-4159. the script is almost under wraps and will be posted when done. filming will start in spring or summer. So please Zombie Patrons and Zombie extras, u are needed.

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