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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Any other HPOTD members make it to Jawsfest?Date: Sun 5-Jun-2005, 21:47:19

I just got back from an awesome weekend on Martha's Vineyard at Jawsfest. I ran into HPOTD member "Mr. Berman" there. Did anyone else make it?
The best part of the weekend, for me at least, was a museum set up with original props from the film. The yellow barrels, Quint's machete, some of the shark fins, etc...Great stuff!
I also ran into "Quint" from LOTD zombie extra) and got to go inside the log cabin that Spielberg lived in while shooting the movie(courtesy of Mr. Berman).
They plan on doing this every summer, so if you are a fan and missed it this year, try to make it next time. It was a great time.


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