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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Come on, man....Date: Mon 12-Dec-2005, 12:15:09

In the case of most remakes, yes this is true. But not all of them. "Jackoff's"(as you have apparently dubbed him) Kong remake should be good because he's said in every interview that he's very faithful to the original 1933 version. Not to mention that he's a good film maker who has the talent to take on a remake....unlike some(cough cough...Snyder).

I adore the original Kong, but it will be very nice to see it through Jackson's eyes because he has a real sense of what drives films: characters. Only certain people should take on the challenge remakes...and I believe Jackson is one to do so. Snyder....not so much.

No sense in knocking panic because he enjoys a remake though, man. I haven't seen "Battlestar Galactica" at does that make me a "slobbering kid with puter games", or would that be you? See what im getting at?...

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