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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: This i've heard...Date: Mon 12-Dec-2005, 12:37:24

but think about this.....I've never read the books but I've also heard that there is no possible way you can fit them into a movie trilogy and get everything precisely like the original source. When any other form of media is adapted to film, the creators HAVE to take some creative license to make it work. It all depends on how much creative license they take.

As I said, i've never read the books, but I have a strong feeling that Jackson only changed what had to be changed and he left the rest pretty damn accurate to the original source. I suppose you and the others that have read them could tell me if im right on this or not.

I mean, this happens all the time when shit is translated into film....for example:
There's this special feature on the new special edition "Titanic" where James Cameron is directing a scene, and beside him is a "titanic historian" who supposedly knows all there is to know about the Titanic and it's sinking. Well, the guy leans over to Cameron and says "the passengers wouldn't have have necessarily done this, they would have done this. In reply, Cameron sarcastically says "thats great, now im going to make it exciting and turn it into the film I want it to be". It was quite funny and true at the same time...

Im sure you'll probably say that you didn't like that film either and that's fine. I was just using it as an example and you can find where this has happened in every remake or re-imagining. As I said earlier, it all depends on who does it, how well they can do it, and how close to the original source they are.

Even scripts that are written by the same man who directs the film...will be different from the final film. It's unavoidable...

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