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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Thing is more gunfire + explosions = more undead show upDate: Tue 3-Jan-2006, 20:09:56

In the movie they were running low on supplies, and were starting to go stir crazy considering Makeih Pfifer and the trucker shot each other...and seeing the zombie baby.

The low supplies forced their hand to go somewhere, then Andy was starving and they tried to get him food, which ultimately killed Andy. What bothers me was why they didn't think to warn him about the bites being infectious.

Anyway on top of that the stupid girl goes after the dog, and they left the wrong guy behind to not let them inside. They were forced to leave.

But if I were on the roof I would begin to at least try and dwindle down some of the zombies. A heavy weight on a rope and start dropping it on zombie heads, you know begin thinning the numbres. As the piled you move 50ft down the wall and continue. After several days you could really thin the numbers alot. If they grabbed the rope then you left go.

But with the same problems I would have shot and killed the boat guy on the spot for leaving me trapped outside.

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