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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Even fans of the books can enjoy the moviesDate: Fri 16-Dec-2005, 02:03:15

>But if you have a HUGE appreciation for the books (I read them once a year), then, it's just awful.

Actually, I read the LOTR trilogy over and over as I was growing up. I'd say I had a pretty "HUGE appreciation for the books." Nevertheless, I appreciated the movies. Peter Jackson did omit some characters and condense others, but he did so in such a way to preserve the essential elements and themes of the story within the confines of nine or ten hours of film.

Calling Jackson a hack is a little harsh. After all, he accomplished the first live-action production of a classic and beloved work and made a lot of people happy in the process.

Not that you're not entilted to your opinion, but you don't get to speak for everyone who holds JRR Tolkein's works dear to their heart.


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