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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Dawn remake is a lot more credible than the other moviesDate: Sat 1-Oct-2005, 20:35:33

Of all the zombie movies I have ever seen (not many by the way) the whole end of the world thing exposed in Dawn 2004 is the most believable and scary of all, mainly for one reason:
FAST ZOMBIES. They are a real threat. Nothing compared with the traditional slow motion walkers. These brand new zombies would be a true menace for our society in the sense that, as Zack Snyder puts it in his audio commentary, if you ever fight one of these dead guys your chances of getting out without a scrath are 50%. Should you ever face two or more of them, you better run. Besides, guns only allows you to go from door to door. Not even an expert shot could go out there firing at the ghouls without being severly wounded and ultimately turned into one of them. Therefore, any attempt of going somewhere for supplies (like in Land of the Dead) would be pretty much a suicide unless you kept your butt inside the "dead reckoning" vehicle all the time.

To sum up, only fast zombies could take our society, because they would be seriously dangerous. Regarding slow zombies... they are ridiculous, I've never understood how they get to rule over the face of the earth... They barely move, how are they supposed to catch me? And if they do, the living are quicker and way stronger. Gee, even I myself could wipe 'em out single handedly. Just walking by them, splitting their heads with a club, running if necessary, kind of "search and destroy" mission... The sole idea of them taking over a city is completely absurd and unbelievable (with all due respect), which is why, Dawn 2004 is the only zombie movie I would recommend to any movie goer (don't get me wrong I like George's films, I just wouldn't recommend them)

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