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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Feasibility of overnight takeover when only infected turn...Date: Fri 28-Oct-2005, 16:42:48

This aspect really rang false for me. When every corpse on earth reanimates as per Romero's rules, a sudden zombie infestation would easily overtake everything. But in this remake it's revealed towards the end that you need to be bitten to turn into a zombie. If that's the case, how did the first zombie originate? I certainly don't think the earth would be infested overnight if only "infected" corpses reanimate. This aspect made it even more like 28 Days Later, but in the case of that film it took a month for the infestation to spread to the levels that Dawn04 reached overnight. Why not have all corpses reanimate? What was the logic for changing this?

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