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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: enough of this comparison bullDate: Sun 30-Oct-2005, 21:23:18

anybody who compares the original dawn to the remake
and wasnt around when the first dawn hit the theaters
should just stop trying to do so

you dont know what made the original dawn great
it wanst just ANOTHER horror movie like come out every year
it changed the rules of horror cinema
a low budget unrated film took over the summer it was released
it was held over for weeks cause so many people kept coming to see it
the theaters didnt want to pass it on to second run movie houses
that did not happen with the remake

and so you know i liked the remake

but you cant compare a movie to a phenomenon
if you werent around to witness the original dawn in its theatrical release then you dont know what you are talking about

anybody can come along and take a cult film and pour more money into it and tweak it for the modern times lower the rating to an r
to attract more available patrons and do well

the remake was good i enjoyed it

but in no way does it compare to the original
thee was nothing like it before ever--ever
not last house on the left
not texas chainsaw massacre
none of them reached dawns level of intensity

so just enjoy both films for what they are
but trying to say the original is lame compared to the
remake 25+ years later is foolish

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