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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Let's just get something straight.Date: Wed 10-Aug-2005, 12:14:19

You wouldnt walk if you were a heaping pile of decomposing flesh either, you would lay there dead and rot!!!, It amuses me that people will accept the theory, the utter nonsense of the dead rising and attacking the living....but only if they are slow..or only if they cant speak, or only if they hop on one's like a fairy tale your mind..the Easter bunny and Santa Claus cant REALLY go all over the world in one night either..and the tooth fairy lets not forget her. hehehe I dont care if zombies run, walk or crawl, to enjoy the movie fully you got to free your mind to allow yourself to be taken into the film makers world for the next 1 1/2 - 2 hrs. It's only a movie.

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