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Joined: 30-Jan-2002
Posts: 143
Subject: Zombie Newscast.Date: Sat 13-Aug-2005, 09:07:50

So I finally got a copy of Dawn 04 (The unrated director's cut, of course. ) for under fifteen dollars (Yes, I'm one of those cheap sorry-ass bastards )and discovered I still liked the remake very much.
But when lookin through the bonus stuff, I saw that Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin on Babylon 5 )played the anchor in the newscast feature.
It's kinda sad since he died last year.
But since I like the mockumentary, Special Bulletin, Both Sci Fi Channel Blair Witch specials, format, it was all good watching the progression of the plague.
The only thing about DOD04 that annoyed was I thought Zack should be bowing and scraping more in reverence to the original Dawn in his commentary. Mostly he didn't seem to understand why we fanboys and ghouls like the Romero series so much.

Wayne Z
"This ain't no midnight Horror show, and creature double feature, babe. "

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