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Joined: 30-Jan-2002
Posts: 143
Subject: DOTD GamesDate: Mon 15-Aug-2005, 11:30:09

If anyone went to the offical DOTD 2004 website, there's a couple games which are short term fun.
One is a lockdown timed game where you have to drop a security gate by inputing a three digit code. You have to Price Is Right the correct code before the zombies breakthrough.
The other game is hella hard, and also subject to serious time restraints. It's called Blackout, and you have to fend off attacking zombies within the parking garage. You have limited line of sight, and a crude radar to let you know where the zombies are at, and once they get over the fence, you go down almost immediately.
So far, I'm dead everytime, but I think that's partly my system's fault.
Here's the link to the site.

Wayne Z
"I think I found that eight letter word, Tad. "

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