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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Damn, this movie still rocks...Date: Wed 21-Dec-2005, 07:07:26

I just watched it again recently, partly for a research essay on the whole "la politique des auteurs" thing in relation to GAR (£100 thank you very much, hehe), but also just to watch a great movie again. But I've noticed a couple more things I really like about the movie:

1) The music. It fits in with this movie and gives it its own identity. Night has it's Sci-Fi inspired spooky and cheap sound. Dawn has the library tracks and Goblin. Day has its own vibe going with a hint of electronica about it, just a hint. Land too has its own vibe and I can't get the tracks out of my head for a while after viewing, at this very moment I have the music from the part when Dead Reckoning crosses the bridge near the end.

2) The editing. Although Romero hasn't edited his pictures in a long while, when he did he used fast cutting. Not just MTV style choppiness, but swift editing. Like has been said of his editing - you are forced to experience, rather than look at his shots. I have just picked up this vibe upon 4th viewing and the pace of the cuts really does have that style and element to them. There's a sense of urgency, immediacy and pace about the editing in this movie and I love it. It's much more Romero-like than previous movies such as Bruiser, Dark Half or Monkey Shines.

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