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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: DVD movies ... errrr....Date: Tue 8-Nov-2005, 08:53:22

There's something about a movie going straight to DVD that just doesn't feel right, especially a GAR movie. It feels lazy, underfunded and not cared for.

A better idea would be to secure European funding to make another movie and do it that way, the big studios just don't GET what GAR is about and up to.

Yawn04 made more money because it's filled with stars and has running zombies *blows brains out* and was advertised out of the ass for the sub-MTV-Newlyweds-Simple-Life generation. MORONS. It's all about music video flashy visuals and a complete lack of substance. It's about angry black tough buys, daft 'jokes' and retarded characters. It's about a complete lack of originality - it all goes Saving Private Ryan towards the end with the a lot of similar movies.


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