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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Watching Land at home...Date: Fri 11-Nov-2005, 12:44:20

Well, now that I've purchased my copy of the unrated DVD and I have watched it at home, I must say that I still enjoy it.

I enjoyed seeing it in the theatres (twice) and I still enjoy watching it.

I'm not sure that it will ever replace my worship of Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead. But, I enjoy it very much and I think in time that it will be a required part of any zombie fan collection.

Then again, for as much as I love Romero's work, I also am not a blind-faith fanboy. I like other movies like ROTLD, Night 90, 28 D.L., Dawn 04, R.E., etc.

I guess the best part of this whole situation is that zombie movies are being made - period. There was a time when it seemed like there would never be a zombie movie again.

I'm just relieved to have them back.


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