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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Ok, watching the DVD, I am confused as hellDate: Mon 31-Oct-2005, 21:34:27

Since the movie came out, I've been wondering if that part would be odd for anyone not familiar with the Burgh. Kind of like it might not be entirely clear, unless you're paying attention, that Brubaker's munitions depot is across the river from downtown. (Something immediately obvious to a native like myself, but which was missed entirely in some online reviews.)

One of the few complaints I have about the movie is that it could have established the geography a little better for those not familiar with the city. A couple of lines during the new soldier's briefing at the Throat, a reverse angle shot from the city, showing Mt. Washington rising up across the Mon. It's one of the things that was lost by not filming in the Burgh, I think.

Mt. Washington's the logical place for Cholo to go, really, but I can see where someone who didn't know about it would think it odd, or even pulled-out-of-the-butt conveniant for Riley to figure out where Cholo's going.

Oh, and if you ever visit Pittsburgh, it is one of the places to go, day or night.

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