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End Of The Line
(© Shawn Flowers)

Page 2

“Fuck you shit bags!” He watched as the crowd began working themselves up into a frenzy again. He could see the hopelessness of his situation now. He was alone in the world. All of the other survivors that he had been travelling with were dead. Actually, they were likely undead at this point. Eddie decided, without any doubts, that he was thoroughly fucked.

A week earlier, Eddie and four other survivors had been running for their lives from the hordes of undead. They’d been trapped for weeks in Baltimore, Maryland where hundreds of thousands of the undead had completely overrun the city. They barely escaped with their lives. It took a lot of cunning, a lot of bravery, and serious teamwork to make good their escape from the hellish nightmare of the city.

Thankfully for the group, Travis (Eddie’s new found best friend) was an auto mechanic. He’d managed to hotwire a car and the five survivors drove as far from the city as they could get. They had stopped off at a few small communities in their travels to search for supplies to survive on. They’d been in dire need of clean water and food, but they had also been running dangerously low on ammunition for their weapons. There hadn’t been much to find in the smaller towns at all. The shops had been cleaned out by other survivors. The smaller towns had fewer undead residents, but without supplies it was pointless for the group to stay. So they continued on, travelling carefully down the highway, avoiding the vacant cars that littered the road. They stopped at every gas station along the way only to find the tanks completely dry.

When they finally came across a much larger town than the few previous towns they’d visited, their gas tank was almost empty. So, they’d stopped and begun searching for food and water, etc. They were shocked at having only seen a scattered few zombies when they’d first arrived and begun rummaging through the buildings and shops. They’d also been even more shocked that the town had given up such a beautiful bounty of supplies. It didn’t make sense that so many of the items that they had desperately needed, but unable to find elsewhere, were everywhere for the taking in this town. It was as if the residence and shop owners had all left their belongings and just vacated the city. They’d been lucky enough to find some ammo in a pawn shop and some more ammo in a little hunting and fishing store conveniently called “The Deer Stand”. They also found water, some canned food, and lots of other supplies that they desperately needed.

Then, when the survivors least expected, the onslaught began. The town’s undead inhabitants had been hiding in the shadows. There were thousands of them. They came pouring out of the alleys and side streets when the group had least expected it; it was total chaos. The plague had hit this town hard and fast, leaving little time for living occupants to defend themselves.

Eddie’s group had been digging around inside of the Huff’s Drugstore, looking for antibiotics and other medications when the massive horde of flesh-eating monsters began pounding on the doors and windows of the pharmacy. Eddie had been in the back of the store, happily filling his backpack with pain killers like oxycontin and hydrocodone, when the terror began. He’d been looking to pick up anything that might help him sleep considering how little sleep they’d all been getting since the outbreak had first begun.

The survivors fought hard and valiantly, but they were soon overcome by the sheer numbers of the undead. Eddie had propped his hunting rifle up on the service counter and used his scope to blast away at the heads of their attackers. His aim was true and he fired dozens of rounds from his rifle in that short amount of time, but that didn’t keep the swarm of cannibals from crashing through the windows and doors and devouring his friends. He fired round after round into the swarming horde, trying to take as many of the zombies out as he could. He knew it was useless to leave his position and run over towards where his friends were being attacked because there were just too many to fight off. His rifle was the only thing doing any good and it didn’t seem to making a dent in the size of the horde. In fact, they just kept pouring through the large broken windows and the door.

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:6.28 / 10
Rated By:117 users
Comments: 7 users
Total Hits:9253

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