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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: My view of the "Dawn" remakeDate: Sun 3-Jul-2005, 11:42:41

While I have disagreed with Spence on the LotD topic, he's right on the money here. The first 20 min of the film were edge-of-your-seat gripping, and when you watch it again, preferably on dvd you will notice some things maybe you missed. When Ana is in the hospital, the loudspeaker calls for "Security to admitting". Ana's conversation with the receptionist is interrupted by EMT's rolling in a person on a stretchet, but the medics are wearing masks - NOT standard procedure, and the victim has a gaping wound in the side of his neck. All foreshadowing that can easily be lost the first time you see it. And as for the opening credits? Hands down the best in any movie I have ever seen, from the montage of RL violence, to the scenes of police grouping up for a last stand, to the President bugging out of D.C. in the chopper as zombies storm the lawn (notice the White House has smoke and burns coming from the windows), to Johnny Cash's perfect song, just flawless. The rest of the movie has it's flaws, and moments of genius, but never before did I watch the opening credits of anything 30 times.

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