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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Is the world better off with or without Dawn04?Date: Mon 27-Jun-2005, 14:04:12

I enjoyed the movie, plain and simple. It was an action flick with zombies, no plot other than survival. No character dev simply because all these folks just met each other and they had way too many other things (zombie plauge) on their minds to worry about what that fat lady did during the vietnam war or any of the others for that matter. The fact it was named the same as the original has no bearing on anything and that argument holds no water. I mean really, who cares, they gave romero the nod in the credits and made a flick. Praise or bash, the movie made cash and thats all that matters.

As far as if the world would be better or not, imo, ya it is. It added some new fans and helped to satisfy a few of the older fans. Did it pave the way for lotd? Dont really know as i had nuttin to do with making the decisions but i would think it did. I will talk good about the film despite the cries of a few here, running zombies didnt bother me nor the title, nor the plot holes (plot?) nor the lack of char dev, the list goes on. Get over it already.

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