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Dead Fall: Forlorn
(© Wayne Zimmerman)

This contribution is part of a series:-
1. Dead Fall (24-Aug-1997)
2. Dead Fall: Foreshadow (25-Jun-1999)
3. Dead Fall: Forewarned (14-Jul-1999)
4. Dead Fall: Forearmed (16-Aug-1999)
5. Dead Fall: Forerunner (14-May-2000)
6. Dead Fall: Foreknowing (24-Aug-2000)
7. Dead Fall: Foregone (1-Oct-2000)
8. Dead Fall: Forlorn (15-Nov-2000)

Page 1

Explanation in Brief;

Since creating DeadFall almost four years before, I've taken note of outside critique toward both the writing style and content of this literally sprawling epic. I guess critical mass was reached, resulting in the much shorter work before you.

In this particular backstory, as well as others to come, I actually put a date to the events described in the larger tale. I also flesh out some of the more interesting characters and incidents as well.

Thanks to my supporters who are also my strictest critics.

Wayne Zimmerman

May 3rd, 1995;
Lincoln Middle School.
Elkhart, Illinois, North of Springfield.

The solitary stalker stood just outside the heavy front doors to the school, impatient in his predatory expectations.

He was ready, as the final bell signaled liberation for the legions of kids who fidgeted through the drudgery of academia, on the lookout for that single target which had caused him such embarrassment. And as the flood of rowdy kids poured out of the brick building, seeing his quarry emerge with the others, the hunter cried out as he jumped the kid, the two of them tumbling down the short stone steps.

"You're gonna get it, Zombie-boy! shouted the tough, a new arrival to both Lincoln and Elkhart. His name was Terence Elway, physically solid at fifteen but still slow to mature elsewhere. Only in school for a week and already rubbed the wrong way by this thin framed little geek... "You like showin me up in Ms Cavanaugh's class? In front of that cute little cheerleader? That's a couple loose teeth, for sure! "

Kids, like a wolf pack eager for blood, began to gather round the two opponents, cries of "Fight! " already echoing loudly across the wide front lawn of the school. Bus drivers and soccer moms were left with engines idling as the throng turned to watch the action unfolding before them.

The smaller boy had his arms pinned by the hulking kid, but wasn't quite ready to go down without some kind of resistance. His hands were clenched into tight fists as the immobilized wrists struggled to get free for just one good punch. He also waited for the bully to move slightly so the boy could have a shot at the other's crotch...

Terence wasn't impressed by his victims' show of resistance, swinging his right arm back to proceed with the pounding, the heavy fist ready to do some serious damage. But before he could complete the action, fate intervened as a strong hand grabbed the arm...

"What the freak?! " yelled Terence, turning his head to see the star center for the school soccer team holding him back. "What's the big idea, Kevin? God-damn it! "

"Hammering time's over. " the leaner but much stronger kid told him with a deceptively soft voice. "I don't appreciate my friends getting stomped. " no menace in Kevin Mallory's words but a definite suggestion for Terence to back off. Unfortunately the newly christened member of the Lincoln Wildcats was abit slow in understanding.

"You sticking up for weirdo, here? " he demanded in confusion.

"Yep. " Kevin told him, putting abit more pressure on the others' arm which bent with uncertain resistance. "Especially since weirdo's helping me with my grades so I can keep playing sports. That goes for alot of the other guys on the team, too. "

Still his grip tightened, making Terence squirm from the pain as he realized this brawl wasn't going exactly as he'd planned. A few in the crowd seemed disappointed by Mallory's intervention, but most, including the beautiful girl the tough had been trying to impress, were happy to see Kevin butt in... "You gonna let go of my arm? " he demanded somewhat meekly.

"If you let my friend up. " that quiet but firm voice answered. Slow but not stupid, Terence realized that beating the crap out of the wise-ass would produce neither terror nor respect from this crowd. He shrugged his broad shoulders, a neat trick given the way his arm was bent back, with indifference, slowly trying to stand.

He almost stumbled as Kevin let go suddenly, recovering nicely only to get another shock as the petite cheerleader moved quickly in, fussing over the other kid like he was her boyfriend or something...

"You okay, Jason? " demanded the girl, touching the bruises on the boy's face with soft hands. He nodded slowly, idly brushing the dirt off his jeans while grimacing at a fresh tear in the right knee... "I'm okay, Trish, but Mom's going to be pissed. I just got these pants yesterday.. "

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Medium length story
Rating:8 / 10
Rated By:117 users
Comments: 3 users
Total Hits:2222

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