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Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Land of the Dead - my updated reviewDate: Fri 28-Oct-2005, 13:18:36

After going and calling different places that kept selling out of this film I finally got it afew days ago and had time to rewatch and re review this classic. So here it is. Part. 1

Classics don't come any better than this. This is a great film with a great smartly done script and an even better director. George A Ramero isn't just your standard horror director...he's a director period. But what most of his fans will tell you is that the best thing about the man is that he gives you more than you'd ever expect in your standard horror movie. He gives you morals, hope, humanity and characters. George has a way of giving you what you want and expect in his films without being just like any other film he's made. But the best thing about him is that he just didn't make his own genre of horror but he also added a bunch of social comments on the current mood of life. That's what always set George apart from other film makers during his early days was that it was writing that really set him apart. He brought so much comment on life, society, morals, truth and government. But what I like most about him is that he never forces his messages down everyone's throats and is all forceful with it. No, he shows you what he believes but in a very simple way that makes realize just what he's saying without forcing. George has always been a step ahead of other film makers. He's never afraid to break new ground or say something new. He introduced us to the social statire hidden in a comic book like horror classic called "Dawn of the Dead". I mean for real, back when he made that film malls were just starting out and leave it to George to look into the future and make fun of how much society loves them that he made fun of it in Dawn. That's a master right there. He was able to look ahead and see just were this mall thing was going to lead to and beat everyone to the punch to make fun of it. Classic. Then he continued his dead series with the under rated classic "Day of the Dead" This is a film which really divides the fans. Because I think alot of fans wanted something like "Dawn of the Dead 2" but George wasn't interested in doing what he had already done so he gave us something different. He set the story in the future where man's desire to under act has led to the human race in the minority. What made that film really good is that Ramero stuck use in a very small space where our heroes are stuck with complete assholes. This film was really more about the story then the comic book action of Dawn. But some fans had a hard time excepting it because of the fact it wasn't Dawn 2. Now George follows up his classic with a whole new chapter in the series called "Land of the Dead" This is the film fans have been waiting close to 20 years for and once again he divides fans again. Some fans are disappointed because he didn't make the film they wanted him to make. In all fairness it's his films, not ours, if you want non stop gore and action then make your quit bitching. The best thing about a George Ramero horror movie is that it's a "George Ramero horror movie" so let the man make the film he wants not the film you want. Once again George delivers everything I hoped he would: a great story, social statire, gore and a zombie film like we're never seen before. That's what I loved most about this film, he took zombie horror out of the world we've come to know and takes it to a whole new level. It seems like every horror film maker out there is always making zombie horror film that are more like Night then original. But here George delivers a tale of action, humor, humanity, morals, justice and learning that you can only hold down a certain population for so long before they rise up. What I liked to is that while this is a whole new story and take on still feels like it takes place in George Ramero zombie universe. His feel just comes across clear as day and still had me watching in pure joy that I haven't felt in a long time. The story here is really smart, clever and well told. George has always been a master story teller and he doesn't let down here. The story is believable and never feels old. The characters in this film are just amazing to watch, like in all Ramero films. They are real human beings trapped in a world gone to hell and much like in the real world they are going to be those trying to do the right thing, those who will do anything to stay in control and those just looking for the chance for something more by being the devil's right hand.

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