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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: forget "Exorcist : The Beginning"....Date: Mon 14-Nov-2005, 11:52:17

get the original prequel "Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist". A.K.A. The one worthy of bearing the title of "The Exorcist".

"Exorcist: The Beginning" was a peice of shit film thrown together by Renny Harlin because the studio did'nt like the first film by Paul Schrader("Dominion"). Then when Harlin's version bombed and got nothing but bad reviews, they decided that "hey....maybe we should release the REAL movie".

Dumb bastards....Harlin hasn't made a half-way decent flick since "Cliffhanger" or "Die Hard 2". But hey..."Deep Blue Sea" made alittle bit of money and I think we all know how "good" that film was ....

Sorry, my rant is over

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