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Resident Evil Fury
(© Yamato25)

Page 1

September 28, 1944

Castle Geistmeir is an old German castle in southern Germany. It sits overlooking a vast mountain lake. During the Second World War the NAZI party used it as a concentration camp for "the inferior people ". The Nazi's would perform experiments on them. Horrible experiments, designed to create the ultimate solider. Yes the ultimate solider, the Tyrant. For you see financing this horrible house of terror was an evil corporation, based in England called "Umbrella". Somehow they were financing the Nazi's hideous experiments.

In the main lab chamber overlooking the camp yard, Veronica Ashford watched her children wander aimlessly about the yard surrounding the complex. Hundreds of the undead stalked the yard in search of prey. Many of them were adults; she kept the children in a room deep below the castle. She personally liked to use them in her experiments as she had more control over them. She gazed out the window into the yard. She stretched her fingers and watched as all the undead turned and stared up at the window.

Ultimate control she thought I have ultimate control over them. This was thanks to the

T-Veronica virus it was immortality. Even though she was nearly 200 years old she appeared as beautiful as she was when she was 26. This was because the virus halted the aging process. She could never die it was impossible. She had discovered the virus in an ant, and discovered a way to utilize its power by Combining it with the common flu virus, genius how it worked out. She was a genius after all. When the rest of the world was worried about demon's breath, she already had known about viruses.

She had told no one to keep people from ever finding out about her glorius gift.

She had only told her beloved grandson Arthur about it, giving him full credit for its discovery.

She could transform into the ultimate bioweapon at will and unless it remained in her body her blood was flammable. She was startled as a man walked into the room. "The Furor is waiting for our report," he said. "It will be ready soon, I know the war effort needs this," she replied. He flashed her the Nazi sign and walked out of the room. Insignificant little bug, in her mind all men were trash. She walked over to the lab table.

A young boy was strapped tightly to the table. She filled a needle with a green liquid and walked over to the table. "Don't worry little one," she comforted " it will only hurt for a second. She then stuck him. He cried out in polish, and then went limp. His eyes turned a milky white and his veins turned a greenish purple. He turned into one of the undead. She used a second injection to kill him. His small body would be used for study on how the virus affected the organs.

She was very pleased with herself when all of a sudden she heard a crash. She ran to the window and saw what caused the crash. A large American bomber a B-26Martin had crashed in the yard of the camp smashing the main door. Three men climbed out of the plane the undead swarmed towards them. One of the men was too slow and the dead swarmed over him. The others ran for the heavy wooden door of the castle, they shot at her children as they escaped. Small creatures that are going to die at my hands she thought. She was outraged, now was the time to show them the ultimate bioweapon the T-Veronica. Plus she had a few surprises to show them starting with her children who were now swarming the castle this will be fun.

"Ms Ashford your fucking experiments are out of control several of my officers have been killed," said the head commander as he entered the lab. Veronica had her back to him she was purposely ignoring him. He screamed her name several more times yet she still ignored him.

He grabbed her shoulder ready to slap her, when all of a sudden she turned around. It looked like she was on fire. Her lab clothes burned and fell away. Large veins were popping up on her skin.

She was turning into a monster, like Hel the goddess of death in Norse mythology. "My God you what have you," that was all that he managed to spurt out.

She grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up nearly two feet off the ground. "This is what I do to insignificant bugs," she hissed. She reached up grabbed his arm and ripped it out of the socket. He was crying like a little girl screaming for his mother. "What's the matter little man did that hurt, do you want your mommy?" she said sarcastically. Blood began to leak from his neck. "Don't worry you'll see her soon," she said very softly. He burst into flames as though he had been soaked in gasoline then lit on fire. She tossed his lifeless body aside and walked out of the lab they will feel her wrath.

[ Continue to page 2 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:5.09 / 10
Rated By:56 users
Comments: 1 user
Total Hits:1153

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