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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: My thoughts.Date: Wed 28-Dec-2005, 13:49:58

You could invest in a iMac that comes loaded with all the software you need. (Of course, if you own a PC or something that is already decent, don't do this - just get any video software).

With the iMac, you can cut in iMovie and burn it to DVD. Both piece of software are very powerful and will look nice.

As for camera, someone below mentioned a Canon Gl2 - that's a good one. Panasonic makes a PV 3 chip (not sure the most recent model) that is cheaper than the Canon and just as good. It's about $1000. Of course, you will need a decent on camera light, which if you buy from an actual lighting store can run you about $500 or so. Regardless, you could make due with all sorts of other lights that aren't as expensive.

Just remember one thing, and this is coming from someone who worked in the wedding business - if you go into that business, you have to look pro (unless you have friends who are throwing you bones, in which case you'll only be making friend's prices). If you show up to a wedding with a dumpy camera and gear, well let's just say the last thing you need is a nervous bride who thinks you can't handle the gig.

You will also need a reel of sorts to show, so I would try to get a few under the belt for low price and make them look spiffy before you open the door for business. Also remember that many companies that work in weddings provide ALL the entertainment services (DJ, video walls, wedding video) so you are in competition with pros who have been doing it for years. You'll have to find your edge too.

Good luck!


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