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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Awesome.Date: Tue 24-Jan-2006, 18:18:21

Yeh I hate it when people use big fancy words when they're not really necessary either. Sometime's it's best just to outright say it - but you need a variety of words for your writing won't end up saying the same word over and over.

But that just got me thinking, tonight on Celebrity Big Brother, that twat George Galloway called Preston (who's you're average, nice lad, young guy) a pluto-somethingeruther - I've NEVER heard of that word ever in my life and it, combined with the ego that is Galloway-the-twat, just sounded like a whole bunch of show-boating. He was clearly placing, or trying to place anyway, himself above Preston by using big words. It's not clever. At least when Preston called him a "fucking wanker", although it's not the most reserved of things to say, he was saying what he felt with the passion of the moment. Not being Galloway thinking he's so amazing and intelligent (this is a guy who runs a one-man-political-party, who was thrown out of Labour by Tony Blair himself).

What was I on about? Oh yeh, fancy lingo - there's a place for it, hell, a variety of words meaning the same thing spread out through a piece is nice, adds texture, but simply using a big word to sound smart is really sad - most of the time they're not actually smart at all. Knowing where a particular city is, or the name of some far-flung political figure is doesn't mean intelligence, that's just a bunch of facts. Intelligence comes from how you interpret facts, how you create, how you rationalise - that (and more, but I'm too lazy to continue) is what makes an intelligent person.

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