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Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Creepshow con cancelation infoDate: Tue 8-Mar-2005, 09:56:41

Here's an email I received from Mike Watt, one of the main organizers for the Creepshow con:

There were a lot of factors. George bowing out due to LAND
post-production was
the start of things unraveling for us. The biggest problem was that our
Happy Cloud Pictures, was brought aboard as promotion and marketing
only, and
around the first of the year, found the show dumped in our laps by the
company. We tried to make a go of it, but ultimately decided that it
would be in
nobody's best interest to continue. We couldn't make out what the
company had done, what it hadn't, and we would not have been able to
promote it
correctly in order to protect our guests and vendors.

Happy Cloud Pictures WILL, however, be announcing it's own
Pittsburgh-based show
later in the year. It would be quite a help if we could get some
support from Home Page of the Dead!

Take care,

Mike Watt
Happy Cloud Pictures

At least they canceled the event, rather than attempting to put it on half ass (like certain other Pittsburgh based conventions), and there's hope that they will launch an event later this year. Hopefully the lineup will be as solid as the previous one.

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