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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Chiller convention updatesDate: Mon 10-Jan-2005, 19:45:28

The Chiller show was small. and by small i mean really fucking small. only one dealer room the dealer room that is the smaller of the two on the left side of the hall was for celebs. It was a big room but they still put Sid Haig and BIll Moseley in another room. THere were lines for nothing, not even the dealer room was croweded. I stood and talked with Gaylen and Howard the whole time i was there and could get in and out without any trouble.

But, they have started making you pay for parking, it looked like it was 3 bucks for the show, so heads up to anyone that heads there in April, take an extra three bucks, they have a booth you have to get a ticket at before you get into the lot now. Cheap bastards, i still feel they need to move their venue to something halfway decent, like not in the fucking armpit of new jersey

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