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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: I'm from Martha's VineyardDate: Sun 20-Feb-2005, 19:03:29

i'll be there! you must realize though, the island has changed A LOT since the 70's. it's almost impossible to afford to live there. the hotel price alone will leave you with no money what so ever. and one last thing: summer on MV is hell. tourists from all over the country go to the island during the summertime, then leave in august during hurrican season. i can't imagine how bad it's gonna be now that there's a jaws fest.

now that i read more about this, i am starting to actually have second thoughts about this. i guarentee this will end up in some kind of disaster. if you've lived on the island, have relatives there, or ever been there in the summer, you'll agree with me.

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