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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Dude, start your own conventionDate: Tue 22-Feb-2005, 18:18:42

You might think I'm joking, but I'm not.

Many conventions start out as one fan's dream. Why can't it be you?

You could become the fucking hero to all the other horror/zombie fans in your area.

Think its impossible? Think again...I know a dude in Chicago named Rusty Nails who makes his own horror and cult classic movies. He also played in a bunch of bands.

Then one day he was like, "I'm gonna have a fucking film festival for the movies I LIKE TO WATCH and have kick ass bands play and all my friends come and invite celebrities."

You know what? It worked, and it has been working for several years now, and its called the Movieside Film Festival.

Did I mention that I met and interviewed George Romero at this festival? Well, I did, and it was one of the highlights of my already unbelievably awesome life.

Think about it...

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