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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Some adviceDate: Sun 27-Feb-2005, 12:55:00

Bring the following without failure:

- A camera
- Any relevant items you may want signed
- Money

If you can afford to, bring the following:

- A digital camera
- Lots of Money

If you just have lots of money available and time, then bring the motherload:

- A digital video camera
- A digital camera
- A boatload of money

Things to look for:

- Unique items being sold at celebrity guest tables
- Unique items being sold at vendor tables
- Business cards, fliers, posters, or any other free things you can get to add to your collection

Unique experiences to attempt:

- Drinking with celebrities
- Getting high with celebrities
- Any form of partying with celebrities

Well, thats it. Good luck, have fun, and share your stories and pictures with us when you get back!

Oh, one more thing - spread the word of Homepage of the Dead!!

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