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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: How about this for runningDate: Thu 7-Jul-2005, 16:49:12

Do you know why most re-makes fail or why Dawn '04 was so successful? Because most re-makes are "more of the same" and that's why they bomb. Nobody wanted to see a mindless carbon copy clone of Dawn of the Dead (well, maybe a few of you people did). They probably didn't want to step on Romero's toes either. A lot of directors want to change things up a little bit because there is a fine line between a movie being a re-make and being a flat out rip off. Like it or not, Dawn '04 mixed things up a bit and made a ton of money and got a reaction from people. What more do you want or even expect from a re-make?

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