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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Let me take you to school: we're all fanboysDate: Wed 27-Jul-2005, 16:51:04

hail wrote A movie must really suck pretty bad if a rotting retard is the highlight of the film.

Zombies should *not* be the stars of the movie.
They should be like a pack of sharks.
Saying "I like that shark because he has the best teeth" is so.....fanboyish, imho

Pretty trite post there , IMO, demonstrating no real insight into the Dead films, GAR's use of the dead as analogies, and the films' subtexts to provide social commentary.

The Dead are characters themselves. They are reflections of the living. Yes, they are mindless eating automatans, but not all. In each film the dead represent more than some "rotting retard" who wants to eat/kill. The Dead function as more than menace. Bud is a "rotting retard"? You missed the point of GAR's movies; of Day. Please, go worship House of the Dead so the grown-ups can chat if you "don't get" or could care less about GAR and his films.

Have you seen GAR's movies? Let me break it down again:

"They're us and we're them" has no meaning to someone who apparently has never seen a GAR Dead film or is not a student of them, or has no respect or affection for his series.

Then why are you here? Besides being a fanboy of the remake? You liked the remake that much? It was, eh, decent but it will never create the cult or have the impact that GAR's DEAD films have had.

Fanboyish is you, me, every fucking fanboy geek who visits this site. Posting here=fanboy. Replying to me=fanboy. Embrace you fanboy status becuase this is one of the only places you can likely express it.

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