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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Well you are wrong... Sort of...Date: Wed 10-Aug-2005, 12:45:50

Zack has wanted to 300 for a very longtime, and Always wanted to do it digitally. He didn't steal the material, he approached the appropiate parties in order to get the go ahead for it.

As far as him stealing off Robert Rodriguez, again he did not steal that concept, in fact Robert stole it from Lucas as Lucas was the first to do it with 'Attack of the Clones".

BTW bassman, it isn't stealing it is evolving. All films will be shot like this in 20 years, no one single director can claim sole use of the technology. So to go and make an accusation like theft is far fetched, even from someone like you. I always took you for smarter than that.

BTW, I am not trying to bash you or anything, just setting the record straight.

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