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Location: WV
Joined: 31-Mar-2005
Posts: 99
Subject: Slow Sucks...RE: running is a valid update...Date: Fri 12-Aug-2005, 08:54:20

I agree 100%!!!

I love the doom of the old school slow Zombies, but really, you can just walk away from them if it comes down to it, you might have to run for what, a minute to get away from

The "New Breed" of "Runners" was started with ROTLD, wayyy back in the 80`s dudes, not with 28 Days or Dawn 04.

Fast Zombies are scary as hell!!! I mean they are like a hungry horde coming at you with a terribile lust in their eyes as they hunt for fresh meat ...they are mad to eat you,`s like a rabip pack of hunting humans, hunting humans.

Fast Zombies Rock!


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