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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Here's some advice from the *experienced* dawn 04 hater...Date: Mon 28-Mar-2005, 20:00:30

Never ever drag this piece of trash through the mud without backing up your opinions. You'll be labeled a troll off the back. Despite the fact this forum could use all the posts it can take because its almost dead, it still won't listen to a damn thing us haters have to say...*waits for people armed with pitchforks and torches*

I can't argue some points there, but you need to back them up there.

Of course it wasn't a remake. Ask any person who kisses the ass of this's a "reinvisioning". This movie was about as much of a remake as Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes"...which also was a dissapointment. But Burton is a man of experience and greatness on his record. Gunn hasn't had much to speak for, yet I'll give him credit where it's deserved. He does have a few exceptional works. Snyder however, took on a very large risk when he embarked on a remake of one of the greatest zombie films of all time when he had nothing to show for. As a force, they proved to be exceptional. They sucked when it came to something decent as far as character development and story development went. But they were two moneymaking mother fuckers.

Number two. Gunn is still a rookie in my eyes. He had a few good hits here and there. I can't answer this question however because I'm not the writer nor have I spoken to him ever.

You are rattling cages. The lovers of this remake are getting their army of runners after you. They would do it themselves, but they're too busy watching "House of the Dead".

Don't be sorry. It's your opinion. Just because a bunch of people who live on the other end of the stick say otherwise, doesn't mean you should apologize for your views. It's their own fault for disliking your opinion, not yours.

Now I conclude my very long post. Good day sir!

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