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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: On the whole, for me at least...Date: Mon 21-Nov-2005, 06:20:11

I too can see where you're coming from, there's just *something* about Day's zombies, but then here we are 20 years later with no Savini and good old Nicotero instead, who has a different style and different toys to play with.

I like that LOTD has a different 'style' to the zombies, if it was just the same as Day it'd be lame.

And LOTD did have some awesome zombies, I really liked the animatronic zombies a lot, something new brought to the table, but my favourite would have to be Number 9. The hole in the cheek where you see teeth and jawbone - that move! - that's a great effect, probably my favourite zombie out of them all.

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