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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: And Dawn04 had less competition at Box OfficeDate: Thu 3-Nov-2005, 00:47:55

Dawn 04 was released with Passion of the Christ as only other major release (hey, both about people who rise from the dead, both very bloody but otherwise very different films catering to different markets/audiences)----no other horror or scifi films to draw fans away; Land had Star Wars, War ot the Worlds, Batman=$suicide...Dawn had a much better marketing blitz campaign (first 10 minutes shown on US TV,etc.)...but who's counting

If we're gonna pit 'em against each other level the playing field

Beyond this, The Dukes of Hazzard was the number one film the week it was released---are we going to argue that big Box Office equals quality? If so, let's throw away Day, Knightriders, Martin...and many, many other great movies that weren't big hits.

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