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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Nice Onion Zombie ArticleDate: Fri 21-Oct-2005, 01:54:39

Don't know how long this link will last, but the lead story in this week's Onion was a nice nod to Land:
"Study Reveals Pittsburgh Unprepared For Full-Scale Zombie Attack"

There's cool little touches like a quote from Evans City police chief, Gino Fulci. And for those unfamiliar with the Burgh, the first photo gives you an idea of how good a job they did with the CG matte painting of the city for the river attack scene.

The Onion also gave it a positive review back in June, and they have a nice blurb in the new DVD section this week too ("And did we mention the zombies?") The cover article may not be the best Onion (or Onion zombie) article ever, but it seems like a nice nod of support for the film.

Kinda cool, I thought.

And the movie still gets better everytime I watch it.

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