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The Journal
(© Paul Arnold)

Page 2

Wednesday October 11th, 2000

Morning Entry

It stormed last night. I haven't seen lightning like that in ages, and it really brought up some memories from b.z. (before zombies…like it?) I guess storms have always brought back memories, but I don't like remembering at this point. Maybe if I survive, and all these things are dead I'll be able to reminisce properly, but I'd rather wait. I'd rather just concentrate on survival. So anyway, I picked up an old Bible I'd found, and started reading. None of that Revelation stuff, but Psalms and the Songs of Solomon. Things to try and remind myself that God was still there, and that He still loved me. If He didn't, why am I still here?

Evening Entry

Went by the school again today. I noticed that 'she' had indeed eaten my little offering and in thanks, left me a coat on the steps. It was definitely appreciated, as mine was getting…lets say 'worse for wear'. In these times, you sleep in full clothing, next to a fire that's there almost full time, and your feet rarely ever get taken out of socks. Ingrown toenails and fungus could kill you these days.

Anyways, the coat is a nice navy and dark blue parka with a removable liner and a thick hood. Ah, much better than my old one, but I'm not going to throw it away. Waste not, want not.

Additional Entry

I usually don't do this, but I'm putting in another entry. My mysterious benefactor came by for a visit just after I finished my previous, and I was too excited to sit and do nothing, so I decided I'd tell you what happened.

Like I said, she came by just after I had finished my earlier entry. She called out softly, and upon hearing her, I went to my window and motioned her to my door, and whispered I'd let her in.

After taking apart my complicated lock system (more like a heavy wood beam pressing against the middle of the door, wedged against the opposing wall, and held up by an equally heavy pulley system, its very very effective, since the dead don't nearly outweigh the heavy metal door I liberated from the courthouse, combined with the beam), I let her in, and quickly replaced the rig, so in the rare event of a deader wandering this far into the outskirts, we wouldn't become chow.

After she sat at my fire, I got my first glimpse. Now, I'm not going to take a liberty and lie, telling you that she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, no. She was quite pretty, in a cute sort of way. She had a nice figure, of course not eating a full meal in more than three years is going to give a woman that figure her and her friends are always talking about wanting to have. She had deep blue eyes, luxurious brown hair, and I really did become attracted to her, despite the fact that she hadn't had the advantage of a bath in what might have been months. I really didn't care, I was glad to have company of a woman, no matter what she smelled like…which wasn't that bad…really it wasn't.

So anyway, I came to find out her name was from Renee, and that she was originally from Raleigh, South Carolina. That was quite a ways off, considering that we were in my hometown of Bloomfield, Virginia. Apparently, she'd fallen in with a group of deserting national guardsmen, and had made it as far as Charlottesville with them, but after the bulk of them were wiped out, she'd crawled along at night, sleeping in trees and on rooftops in the daytime, until she happened across a running Ford Bronco and made her way up north, until her Bronco's alternator gave out a few miles outside of town. After telling me of her history up until now, she asked if I would mind if she stayed here with me tonight, because she hadn't had the company of such congenial company in several months. Of course I obliged…I'm a guy after all!

Thursday October 12th, 2000

Renee and I are getting along quite well so far. I escorted her to the creek and gave her some soap and shampoo (the same thing…make do with what thee has…) and she washed herself off. I apologized that I didn't have any heated water, but she said that the cold water had been the most exhilarating thing she'd felt in a long while that couldn't tear her face off. I really wish I'd looked when she stripped down, but I didn't. Yeah I know, I know. But hey, she was thankful enough to give me a kiss on the cheek, and if you think that women don't notice if you look, let me tell you…they do.

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:7.35 / 10
Rated By:192 users
Comments: 4 users
Total Hits:2029

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