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Necropolis: Siege to the City of the Dead
(© Dwayne Glover)

Page 2


To save the three hundred people in the shelter it would have to be done quickly and with precision. Paxton radioed his second in command. "Mister Evers I need to see you in my quarters in Ten minutes." "Yes sir, on the way." The Lieutenant answered. Later Evers entered the room and snapped to attention. "Reporting as ordered sir!" The Captain stared at a map of L.A. and spoke. "Ken I think I have an idea to get those people out of that shelter, five blocks away you see this area with the three buildings?" " I think I know where your going with this one. A nice little diversion right?" Evers replied. Paxton smiled still pointing at an area on the map. " Yeah the dead are pretty fuckin' stupid but you don't have to be smart to launch mass rush and feed attacks like they do and since the shelter is in this cul de sac the only way in is from above but if a platoon is air assaulted in this area here." The Captain was pointing to an area five blocks away in a dead end alley. "They can set a nice loud ambush that will hopefully give us enough time to air rescue the people in the shelter. The only way we can get in to extract the survivors is from above but if the dead pile into that area its going to be a nightmare especially after we open the door to the shelter." He punctuated the point. "It's like this; we open the door and take 'em all or we open the door and take as many as we can but once we open the door and the dead hear us its everything goes and I'm not talkin' about a fire sale!"

Captain Paxton assembled his aircraft commanders and Lieutenant Tom Miles, the platoon leader for the first Cavaliers the name given to one of the air assault Platoons. Miles was six foot tall and had a nasty scar on the right side of his forehead that traveled down to his right cheek. His dark skin and straight hair told of his black and Japanese heritage. At twenty-nine he should have been a Captain but promotions were all but gone. Pointing to the street in front of the rescue station, Paxton began. "Gentleman this is LZ hope we are going to make it simple our Blackhawk and Osprey aircraft can fit into this area, it may be a tight fit especially for the Ospreys but the Blackhawks should have no trouble. Commanders once you land have your crew chiefs move the survivors as fast as possible we don't have lots of time so stay alert if you see any of the dead start shooting don't wait till their on your position if you see 'em keep 'em off balance as long as possible and make sure your crew chiefs move their asses out there concentration should be on the survivors let the door gunners worry about the dead." He began pointing to a spot six hundred meters from the LZ (landing zone). "This area Lieutenant Miles is your job, this is point X-ray you and your men will be air dropped here and proceed six hundred meters to this point." Paxton pointed to a spot six hundred meters from X-ray that led to an open area closed off by three buildings. "I want you and your platoon to set up an ambush, make as much noise as you can, get the dead over to your position, pop the surprise and wait as long as you can. I estimate we need at least thirty minutes. Once the diversion begins we will begin the air rescue mission." LT. Miles responded with a quick nod. " Yes sir it won't be a problem but I have one question sir." Paxton urged Miles. " Continue." Looking the map over again Miles continued. "Will we be given any mission assets sir." Paxton thought for a second and then spoke. "You'll have two Comanche attack helicopters flying over watch they will be able to provide any needed fire support. Remember this is just a quick diversion if the combat gets too hairy withdraw immediately but make sure you let us know about the withdraw." The captain finished the briefing. "We are going to have over twenty five aircraft in that small area so watch your spacing, with ten Blackhawks and ten Ospreys its going to get tight not to mention the five attack aircraft we'll have as fire support. Don't get fixated on the LZ if you do you'll sure as hell screw up and get a lot of people killed. The mission calls for speed and safety. We land in the area in front of the shelter load up and then lift off. We do it one at a time once loaded head back here. Do not rush it! Remember what happened during the mission to free the Denver shelters. I'm sure no one wants to wade through that much blood ever again. I'll address the division in one hour lets start equipment and aircraft checks ASAP!" The men in the briefing stood and answered. "Yes sir."

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
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