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Citizen's of the Abyss II: New Lands
(© Dan D.Doty)

Page 2

Simon reloaded his revolver and then grabbed the single barrel sawed off shotgun out of the armored car. He handed the weapon to Harry " Try this instead" he told him as they took off for the snack bar.

The remaining zombies were inside the snack bar. A man with pepper hair was wrestling with a zombie, a tall thin teenage girl was swinging a hunting rifle around keeping two more at bay and another of the undead was trying to get into the walk-in freezer.

" Get Down!" Simon yelled at the girl. She hit the floor and Simon shot both of the creatures in the back of the head. As he turned to help the man, Harry entered. " Get the one at the freezer!" Harry leveled the shotgun at the monster and fired. The weapon jumped in his hands.

Pellets struck the zombie in the head, neck, back and shoulders. " Bloody good!" Harry said with the excitement of a child. Simon began pistol-whipping the grappling zombie in the back of the head until it went limp and collapsed, but it was too late. The man had been bitten in the throat. His blood was flowing like a fountain onto the floor. The girl ran to his side. " Uncle Mat!" The man gave the girl a weak smile " I'm afraid this is where we part ways kiddo." He put his hand to her cheek, and then it went limp and fell away. Leaving his blood on her face.

The freezer door slowly open and a man with horn-rimmed glasses stuck his head out.

" Are they gone?" He asked meekly. " All gone " Harry told him. " Are you guys Cops?" "No" Simon told him " Just citizens at large"

The girl grabbed her rifle and went after the man with the glasses, swinging the weapon like a club. Simon grabbed her around the waist, pinning her arms. " Woods you bastard!" " Calm down" Simon whispered in her ear. " Fuck you!" she told Simon.

" Wood s locked us out the freezer when those things broke in, he killed Uncle Mat!" "Harry take him back to the armored car." Harry escorted Woods from the snack bar. " We've got to take care of your Uncle now, do you understand?" The girl stopped fighting. " Okay."

Simon let her go. " What's your name", Simon asked, " Rose, Rose Tyler".

Simon and Rose buried Uncle Mat just under the big screen after he shot the dead man once in the back of the head. She found a can of black spray paint and turn the screen into a giant grave marker.

As they approached the armored car, they saw Harry standing outside the vehicle and Woods nowhere in sight " The little twit locked himself inside when he saw the girl coming." Simon banged on the side of the armored car. " Get out here" " No" responded Woods " not until you send that girl away, she wants to kill me!" At that moment Simon understood her anger with total clarity " I'm not debating this Woods." No response.

Simon Opened up the passenger door with his lock picks and jerked Woods out. He landed face first on the ground. " I'm going to sue you for everything you've got!" screamed Woods as he picked himself up " You and reality aren't intimate at the moment are you." Said Simon in a sarcastic tone.

" Woods you got thirty seconds to get out of my field of vision." "Or?" Simon drew the Medusa. " But that's murder!" " Two months ago it was, now its target practice." He cocked the hammer back. With the speed of an Olympic champion Woods dashed for the gate. In less then thirty seconds he was running down the highway and out of sight. " You should have let me kill him" Said Rose in anger and disappointment. " Sweetie guys like him aren't worth the bullet to send 'em to hell, besides this way he gets to die tired and sweaty"

It didn't take much to convince Rose to come along with them, she nothing to stay for.

The drive-in had yielded a camping tool kit, a pair of nearly new walkie-talkies and a second hand CB radio.

The armored car crossed the state line to West Virginia; a small of land that separated Pennsylvania from Ohio. The trio cruised down hwy 70 west, dodging abandon cars, zombies and pieces of furniture left on the highway. " Why did they drag all this junk with them when they tried to get away?" asked Rose " Maybe they thought the couch would starve without them," joked Harry. " People do all kinds of crazy things when trouble hits" explained Simon " During the great quake in San Fiasco in 1903, people grabbed stuff like vases and bird cages and just ran out of the house. They didn't know where they were going or even why they grabbed what they grabbed. That's just way people react, because they believe nothing bad is ever going to happen. And when it does, they don't know what to do. They expect somebody else to save them and take care of them when things go south."

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:7.49 / 10
Rated By:216 users
Comments: 11 users
Total Hits:3608

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