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A Bullet For The Dead
(© Harold E. Lawrence)

Page 2

Flynn hung the phone up handing it over to his partner. He pulled out his 9mm screwing the silencer back onto the barrel.

"So, what did she say?"

"She said we gotta take what's left of the shit and get the fuck out of here. This afternoon we got ourselves a party over at Sam's, you wanna crash with us?"

"What time?"

He lowered the gun. "Four Post Meridiem."

"Sorry, Campbell's got me an appointment with one of her acquaintances at three. Something I'm not gonna be able to miss."


"So, what about him." Kevin motioned to Jon still sitting on the purple sofa.

Flynn raised his arm pulling the trigger twice. The bullets ripped through his ribcage piercing his beating heart. Jon was dead before he had a chance to bleed. "What about him?" Flynn asked with sarcasm in his voice.

The Simon and Garfunkle song ended on the stereo replaced with something by The Four Tops. Another one of Kevin's favorites.

The hotel curtains were drawn dimming the room from the afternoon sunlight outside. Two bodies were under the damp sheets with their flesh pressed together in the most carnal way. They could taste each other as their lips touched with gaping maws. As Cayman pushed inside of the prostitute with his hand on her round breast he didn't notice the door open behind him. As he reached his climax he didn't notice the man with the dark overcoat step up next to the bed. As he collapsed on top of the prostitute exhausted he didn't notice the colt .45 pressed to the sheets. It wasn't until the bullet tore through the meat of his back and into the whores belly that he realized he was dead. The second shot went into his neck painting the sheets red as the slug pierced the woman's chest.

Kevin put the gun into his jacket staring at the two cadavers that were still in a loving embrace. He stepped over to the bar to pour himself a drink. Most of the liquor was gone and the glasses had all been used. What was left was only half a bottle of gin. Kevin rinsed out a glass than poured the alcohol to the top with a splash of coke. When he raised the drink to his parched lips he didn't notice the sheets begin to move. As the gin and coke washed down his throat he didn't notice the two dead bodies rise off the bed shambling toward him.

The five men came into Sam's Jewelers each wearing a pair of dark sunglasses concealing their eyes. According to the clock on the wall it was four pm. They all wore black suits as if they were going to a funeral except one who had a biker jacket on that seemed to fit too small. There were only two customers in the jewelry store and three employees behind the glass counter. A security guard stood casually by the front door.

Flynn stepped up to one of the employees with a smile on his broad face. She was a cute red-head, no older than nineteen, with a nametag pinned to her blouse that spelled out Melissa. The other four men spread across the length of the shop waiting for the sign.

"Can I help you?" Melissa asked.

"That's okay. I'll help myself." He pulled the gloc out of his jacket putting the barrel to her throat before pulling the trigger. She gurgled on the blood that filled her mouth spitting it out onto the glass counter. Flynn turned to his right firing his gun at a second employee who stared at him in shock. He fell to the tile with an open wound seeping on his chest. Before the security guard could react to any of the shots he felt something hard against his crotch. Looking up he saw the man in the biker jacket.

"How are you doing?" He grinned.

"Please." The desert eagle .50 exploded between his legs before he could let another word out. He dropped to the floor with blood pouring down both sides of his pant legs. The guard felt the atrocious pain of the second bullet before he even heard the shot. But the pain didn't last long.

Flynn turned around to see Bava next to the dead security guard. The two customers were on the cold tile, each with a bullet in their face. The other employee was dead somewhere behind the cash register. Rowe, Helm, and Deja were already smashing the glass cases filling their bags with diamond rings and sapphire bracelets.

"Helm, check the office in the back. Bava, the restrooms." Flynn shattered the case in front of him pulling out a pearl necklace.

Dan Kaye coward behind his desk with a phone to his ear listening to the officer on the other end telling him to stay calm. "You stay fucking calm, everybody's dead. Everybody's fucking dead."

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Short story
Rating:6.26 / 10
Rated By:148 users
Comments: 6 users
Total Hits:1852

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