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Rotten Meat - The Return of Cold Flesh
(© Nick Thomson)

Page 2

"Yes Sir, will do!" replied an officer to the commanding chief at the hospital.

"Good man, brief them quick, the army will be here shortly."

The army was to arrive soon, but not soon enough. The situation was way past breaking point, and this is what scared the residents of Safe Water. If they dead had not yet broken free when they were clearly strong enough in numbers, what would it be like when they finally did break loose?

* * *

The sun was now high above all and everything; it was nine in the morning. Their call into action had come through just twenty-four hours beforehand; they had to mobilise fast, and most didn't even know what they were getting into until they were on the trucks and rolling.

Colonel Havers was overseeing the day's operations and sat high and mighty in the first truck of the convoy that stretched to several vehicles in length. A Company was to be the first inside the hospital, then it was B Company and so on. Although they didn't say it to one another, everybody had a bad feeling about A Company, even Havers.

B Company was made up of ten men, like the other companies in the convoy, they were all veterans of such situations, or so they thought. Jones, Viliers, Smith, Ridley, Stevens, Murdock, Peppard, Castle, Cocheck and Ford made up the company. They had known each other for years and always made it through a tough spot alive, but not necessarily unscratched. Every single man had taken a few bullets, blasts and scrapes in their time and they were the hardest company in their regiment. They were admired.

"So what's the mission we got this time?" asked Jones.

"Some containment shit up in Safe Water City," replied Viliers.

"Containment? Fuck that, we're here for fighting, not mopping up somebody else's shit."

"That's the situation though, or so we've all been told," added Peppard.

"Hey Hannibal, what do you think is going on up there in Safe Water anyhow?" asked Cocheck who was one of many who nicknamed Peppard as "Hannibal" after the A-Team character.

"I figure there's more to this than we've been told. There's been rumors and shit flying all over the air waves and I've overheard some things the officers have been saying about something big going down in this neck of the woods. Nobody knows exactly what, but it's big."

"Big huh? Well we can take it on no matter what it is, am I right?" roared Cocheck proudly.

"Settle down Cocheck, you keep that attitude up and you'll be going home in a black bag, ya hear?" said Jones to keep the men's minds straight on the task at hand.

"Yes Sir, whatever you say Sir," laughed Cocheck as he gave a chewed up salute to his comrade.

The team roared into a momentary laugh which soon died away and they were again left in silence as the trucks bounced along the road, the wind blowing through the camouflage sheeting under which they all sat. The trucks in front and behind growling much like their truck. They were a solid wall of tattooed metal grumbling along the highway as they turned off the freeway and up the slip road heading towards Safe Water City.

"Not long now boys, we'll be there in no time," buzzed a voice over the radio.

Each truck had a radio to keep in contact with everyone else, but more importantly the Colonel up front. As they moved, if there were mission updates, they'd be briefed before coming to their destination so no time would be wasted. But as yet, nothing new had come through.

"Check your watches boys, it's nine-thirty by mine so make sure yours are the same. We’ll be in Safe Water by ten, sit tight boys," finished Colonel Havers before he buzzed out and the trucks went quiet again.

"Safe Water City huh? Better live up to its name is all I can say, interrupted my damn shit break for this one," muttered Murdock.

"Maybe you should try and eat more bananas Murdock, get your guts in gear for the army. No man and no operation waits around for you to finish shitting," laughed Peppard sternly.

Again the truck burst into laughter only to die down quickly once more.

Shortly after quarter to ten, the radio buzzed on again.

"Alright lads, we're nearly there, get your shit wired. I expect everyone of you mean fuckers to be ready to leap off this truck before we get to our destination."

Without muttering anything or wasting time, every man in every truck complied fast and began readying their weapons, loading magazines and getting their backpacks fastened. They didn't know how long they'd be in Safe Water, so they were ordered to bring everything they had. As far as they figured, they'd be there a long time judging by all the rumours and hushed conversation between officers over the Safe Water Situation as it was called.

[ Continue to page 3 ]

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Genre:Living Dead
Type:Medium length story
Rating:6.69 / 10
Rated By:185 users
Comments: 6 users
Total Hits:2856

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